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We are pleased to introduce you the book “Le Vénérable Mélèze”, based on the short story by Gilles Mottet, author-composer and musician, whose preface is signed by the botanist Francis Hallé and the audio book narrated by Jean Mus, reknown landscape architect and president of the Roure arboretum…

The Marcel Kroenlein Arboretum in Roure, a remarkable garden and the only mountain located arboretum in Europe linked to Art, is the starting point of the story.

Dedicated to the sighted, blind and visually impaired, “Le Vénérable Mélèze” was designed in large characters, Braille, and multi-level tactile relief for photos and drawings. It is accompanied by original music by the author and a beneficial scent of larch.

This book is a first in the world of publishing with its humanist and inclusive approach towards people with disabilities. It opens the heart of every child, every adolescent, every adult, it breaks down barriers by inviting people to share this multisensory adventure.

To facilitate publishing, a pre-sale is organized until April 15 at the promotional subscription price of 30 euros including tax instead of 40 euros including tax.



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